Imagine a Queensland where every child and young person can grow up healthy, safe, learning and supported...
As part of ARACY, we’re working to make sure every young Queenslander thrives.
Together, we’re working to improve the systems that touch the lives of kids across our state, so that every child and young person has what they need to thrive, no matter their background or where they live.
Together, we’re changing systems for kids in Queensland
Hundreds of organisations are joining forces to turn science, evidence, and experience into action for better child health and wellbeing.
See how you, too, can be part of a growing movement for change.
Note: When we talk about ‘children’ we’re referring to the age range from conception, through infancy, childhood and adolescence to young adulthood.
Brain Builders
Let’s use neuroscience to inform our policies and practices to help build healthy brains & bodies
Country Kids
Let’s bring together rural, regional and remote systems & knowledge to make sure country kids aren’t missing out
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children
Let’s walk alongside and learn from First Nations leaders and communities
Framing for Thriving Kids
Let’s use & promote proven communication models to get our messaging right for our kids, parents and workforces
Thriving Places
Let’s unite and support the thriving place-based work happening across Queensland to create great communities for families
Better Early Years Systems
Let’s align our early years systems to give every child across Queensland a great start
Thriving Kids - Data
Let’s collate, share and use the information we have to make better decisions for children
Investment Reform
Let’s work to put children at the centre of all our funding policies and decisions
Childhood Builders
Let’s make sure everyone who works with children has access to proven tools, evidence & frameworks
Kids in Disasters
Let’s work together to support child wellbeing and resilience in disasters
Thriving Places
Let’s work together to create thriving communities for families & children
Upcoming Events
What surrounds us, shapes us
What happens to us in childhood shapes lifelong health and wellbeing.
Preventing and controlling diseases, ill-health and poor wellbeing starts pre-conception and continues through pregnancy, infancy, childhood and adolescence, across the whole life course and on to future generations.
We’re working to make sure every young Queenslander grows up healthy, supported, resilient and ready to thrive.
Who we are
An initiative of ARACY, Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership is a growing partnership of people and organisations working together for Queensland’s children and young people.
We bring governments, community, industry, philanthropy, and universities together to drive real change across Queensland. With many 100s of organisations and people already involved, we’re building connections and action at local, regional, and state levels so every young Queenslander can thrive.

How you can get involved
TQKP is a coalition of people and organisations working to improve the lives of Queensland’s children and young people. Through ARACY, TQKP is also connected to a national alliance and networks and initiatives in other jurisdictions.
We rely on partners and collaborators at all levels—people and organisations with the knowledge and ability to make a difference where it matters most.
Get involved and help create a healthier, fairer future for every young Queenslander.

Resource Library
Better knowledge, and support to put it into practice, leads to better health and wellbeing for children and young people.
Explore research, case studies, and tools about child and adolescent development, health and wellbeing to build your confidence and create real change.
Latest From Linkedin

Explainer video: "What surrounds us shapes us"
This short explainer video introduces the Resilience Scale and ARACY’s The Nest framework as models to help understand how experiences and environments shape children’s health and development.

Partnerships charter
Our Charter clearly sets out the partnership’s shared goals, values and ways of working to improve systems for Queensland’s children. We invite you to review the Charter and join us if you support our shared vision for Queensland kids.

Report: Queensland Place-Based Rivermap
The Queensland Place-Based Rivermap proposes systemic actions to support our many place-based initiatives. Let’s work together to create local conditions that are good for families and kids.
Our Impact
There is an important focus on the basics in disaster which means that kids and family’s needs can get lost in the mix. We need targeted strategies that are specific to child and family needs in disasters
Susan Harrison
Director Clinical Services and Strategy - BUSHkids
This partnership will bridge the gap between research and practical application, ensuring all children have access to the support they need to develop and flourish.
Professor Karen Thorpe
Laureate Fellow - Queensland Brain Institute
This partnership will bridge the gap between research and practical application, ensuring all children have access to the support they need to develop and flourish.
Professor Karen Thorpe
Laureate Fellow - Queensland Brain Institute
TQKP brings together everyone with an important role to play in improving things for kids in Queensland. It’s a whole of society endeavour and it’s important. The Bryan Foundation is delighted to be working with other leading philanthropic organisations to help make it happen.
Matthew Cox
Executive Director - The Bryan Foundation
Regional children experience even greater levels of vulnerability compared with those in the major centres, and in Queensland this is exacerbated by our vast geography and decentralised population. Adding a dedicated Country Queensland Engagement and Partnerships role will put boots on the ground to connect regionally based organisations and communities with all that the Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership has to offer.
Lea-Anne Bradley
CEO - The John Villiers Trust
Too many young Queenslanders are behind before they even start their adult life, and they are facing more challenges than ever before. That’s why we need to build the systems and structures that will best help young people in need to thrive in adult life. Through TQKP the leaders of our communities, as well as policy makers and funders, can come together to understand what works and what matters for young Queenslanders. TQKP will steer this conversation here in Queensland so that we can give young people the best chance for success in their adult lives. Hand Heart Pocket is proud be part of this collaborative approach.
Sara Parrott
CEO - Hand Heart Pocket
The TQKP seeks to amplify the value and impact of the not-for-profit, the tertiary, the philanthropic, and the government sectors – to make the whole greater than the sum of the parts. A range of agencies – including the Queensland Government – are already participating in building the partnership, demonstrating the power of this collaborative and hopefully transformative initiative.