
Thriving Kids Brain Builders Initiative


Use neuroscience to:

  • support the capabilities of workforces, communities and caregivers
  • shift policy, investment, programs and practices.


Co-led by Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership with the University of Queensland’s Queensland Brain Institute (QBI), in collaboration with Yiliyapinya Indigenous Corporation, Emerging Minds, Palix Foundation/Alberta Family Wellness Initiative, and other Queensland institutes, agencies and not-for-profits engaged through the Thriving Kids Brain Builders Collaborative.

We're all brain builders

Brain science tells us a lot about what children and families need to thrive. 

Our aim is to translate this science into practice so we can all play our part.

When our caregivers and communities, and our schools, health and other services are informed by neuroscience we can build healthier brains and bodies and improve learning, wellbeing and resilience. 

Through our Brain Builders Initiative, we’re:


Supporting everyone to better understand brain development – including the general public, families, organisations and workers


Helping to embed brain science in all the places that children learn, live and play across Queensland


Continuing to learn from academics, leaders, and practitioners so Queensland children have the latest evidence on their side

“The brain runs everything and we ignore that at our peril. This is not new science; this is science that goes back decades. The challenge is to implement it. So it affects parents, it affects children, it affects teachers, people looking after children. It affects all of us and we’ve got to integrate and bring all that together so that children have the best start in life.” 

Norman Swan, Physician, ABC Radio Presenter, & ARACY Board Member.

“This partnership will bridge the gap between research and practical application, ensuring all children have access to the support they need to develop and flourish.”

Professor Karen Thorpe, Laureate Fellow, Queensland Brain Institute

What we're already achieving...

Together with our partners, we’ve:

  • Supported Queensland Brain Institute’s six-element plan:
    • Core Brain Building Modules
    • Brain Building Workforces
    • Let’s Yarn About Brain Development
    • Brain Healthy Places and Spaces
    • Brain Building Community of Practice
    • Brains Trust Collaborative

Our focus now is to drive action by: 

  • Working closely with our partners to grow and spread the initiative 
  • Promoting and developing tools and resources to share brain science 
  • Linking brain science into all decisions in Queensland that impact children.  
AFWI tile aracy tqkp
Palix AFWI tile aracy tqk

Story: Brain building ripple effect...

When you drop a pebble into a pond, it creates a series of ripples that spread out from the centre.

Similarly, our Brain Builders Initiative is having a ripple effect across the system.

In our case, the ‘pebbles’ we’ve dropped into the pond have included new Brain Builders Modules and sharing the brain builder story with 100s of practitioners and leaders across education, health, the early years sectors and community members. 

The ripples look like…

  • 100s of people have already completed the modules 
  • partners have the confidence to provide workshops within their own communities
  • organisations are implementing brain builders’ materials into their learning and development plans
  • associations are embedding the knowledge into their suite of offerings – a potential pond of over 3,700 members
  • universities and TAFEs are embedding the materials into their curriculum.

“…it has really shaped the way I start doing things now, in terms of my research but then also my teaching (…). It is also just for my own personal brain awareness and self-awareness – who am I as a person, as a wife, and a mother.”

Partner on learning about the brain story

“The students have really enjoyed it, are taking it on board, and it has generated some really great discussion.”

Partner feedback about students’ engagement with the neuroscience material

How you can get involved

Our Brain Builders Initiative is for all Queenslanders.

To find out more and talk about ways to get involved, contact Michelle Cole at

Related links & documents


'We are brain builders' brochure

2-page leaflet outlining the 6 Brain Builder metaphors and related Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership projects. 

_FINAL Metaphors brochure for TAE Conference
_FINAL Metaphors brochure for TAE Conference

Brain Builder Workforces: The Neuro-informed Policy and Practice Framework & Evidence Brief

This work from the Queensland Brain Institute and Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership emerged from a need to establish a clear conceptualisation and identify key knowledge bases that underpin a neuro-informed approach.

QBI Brain Building Workforces Booklet Cover
QBI Brain Building Workforces Booklet Cover

Brain Builder Workforces Evidence Brief: Neuro-informed Policy and Practice Scoping Review

This scoping review aims to:

  • Establish a working definition of neuro-informed policy and practice that can be applied to different systems, workforces, and contexts.
  • Identify the key knowledge bases and applications of neuro-informed policy and practice, with a particular focus on those relevant to children and young people.
QBI NPP Evidence Brief Final Cover
QBI NPP Evidence Brief Final Cover

Brain Builder Workforces: Neuro-informed Policy and Practice Framework

This Framework has been developed as a tool to support systems and services to establish a shared language, shared knowledge, and shared purpose. It was developed through an extensive scoping review of publications describing the application of neuro-informed policy and practice, internationally. 

QBI NPP Framework_Final Cover
QBI NPP Framework_Final Cover

The Brain in Context: A Scoping Review and Concept Definition of Neuro-Informed Policy and Practice

This scoping review examined the use and conceptualisation of neuro-informed policy and practice (NPP) over the last two decades. It highlights the importance of defining the concept of neuro-informed policy and practice, extending beyond the brain or individual in isolation to include consideration of the brain in context.

Authors include the Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland;  School of Nursing, Queensland University of Technology; and Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership. 


Ready Together

Ready Together is a deadly online resource that translates learnings from child (and brain) development research into everyday language. It is grouped in 6 ‘ages and stages’ from pregnancy to age 5. Look up an age group or read them all.

Cover of Ready Together
Cover of Ready Together