What We Do
Year In Review
Journey, achievements & learnings
TQKP is on a journey to create stronger, prevention-focused systems that support children and young people to thrive. Like any journey, we are learning along the way—guided by evidence, collaboration, and a commitment to real change.
As an initiative of ARACY, we are part of a national effort to ensure every child has access to the supports, services, and environments they need to grow up healthy and well.
As we move forward, we ask:
- What matters? – Identifying the biggest challenges ahead.
- What works? – Finding the best, evidence-based solutions.
- How can we share and apply this knowledge? – Turning insights into action.
- Where can we build on what’s working? – Strengthening existing initiatives to accelerate impact.
- What gaps need filling? – Creating new approaches where they’re needed most.
By traveling this road together, we connect people, ideas, and resources to build a future where every young Queenslander has the best possible start in life.
Year In Review 2023-24
Find out more about the journey, achievements and learnings of Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership during 2023-24.

Evaluation of TQKP: Engaging the system and improving evidence (Report 1)
ARTD was commissioned by the Paul Ramsay Foundation (PRF) to evaluate Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership (TQKP) between July 2022 and June 2025.
This initial report of their findings covers July 2022 to May 2024.

Year In Review 2022-23
Find out more about the journey, achievements and learnings of Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership during 2022-23.

Some key learnings so far...
During 2023/24, we made substantial progress with early signs of value and impact, including:
Improvements in leaders, practitioners and change makers working together to steward systems change
- The Leadership Table has championed major cross-sector system reform efforts across Early Childhood Development, Investment Reform, Places, and the Thriving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Initiative. These efforts have laid strong foundations for systemic change.
- The Queensland Government’s new ‘Putting Queensland Kids First Plan’ incorporates several priorities outlined by TQKP, including elements from our Early Childhood Development Better Systems Roadmap and from TQKP and partners’ submissions.
- The TQKP-convened Thriving Places, Thriving Kids Network has co-developed the Queensland Place Reform Rivermap, a Place-based Data Framework, and a Queensland Place Development Network Model. These set an ambitious new agenda for place-based, child and youth-focused work.
- The QATSICPP-led Thriving Bubs, Thriving Families, Thriving Communities Report was released and 10 state-wide local Knowledge Circles were held, which gathered input from First Nations leaders, organisations, and communities. This work has laid the groundwork for a future Thriving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Strategy.
- TQKP released the Thriving Kids in Disasters Stage 1 Report, co-produced with leaders, researchers, and practitioners. Disseminated to over 1,000 leaders and practitioners, the report is driving momentum for a cross-sectoral systems change action plan.
- A Childhood Trauma Background Paper, commissioned by the Queensland Mental Health Commission, supports the creation of a new, whole-of-government Queensland Trauma Strategy, which is expected to take a systems-oriented, evidence-based approach to trauma prevention and care.
Improvements in capabilities and capacities of families, caregivers, workforces and communities to contribute to healthy child, youth and family wellbeing and development
- There have been 521 completions of the Understanding Brain Development modules, along with 1,517 streams of the associated podcast. Additionally, the Resilience animation has had 850 views, while the Brain Building animation, produced in collaboration with Juiced TV, has reached 302 views. These resources are part of collaborative efforts with QUT, USC, UQ, the State Library of Queensland, Queensland Child and Youth Clinical Network, Children’s Health Queensland, and Early Childhood Australia, helping to integrate neuro- and developmental sciences into professional development.
- The Enabling Workforces and Organisations for Thriving Kids initiative, a joint project by TQKP, Emerging Minds, Yiliyapinya, QBI, and Dovetail, has engaged 80+ representatives from 10 Queensland Government agencies. The initiative is mapping current workforce gaps and opportunities to scale access to contemporary knowledge, skills, and tools for child wellbeing and resilience.
- The Strategic Framing Champions Group, co-convened by TQKP and the Queensland Family and Child Commission, along with the Strategic Framing Community of Practice, is embedding evidence-based communication practices across public messaging. For example, the State Library of Queensland has produced a new suite of resources for the First 5 Forever program.
Improvements in connectivity across and within systems
- TQKP supporting adoption of the Australia’s Child and Youth Wellbeing Outcomes Framework – The Nest Wellbeing Wheel – such as in the Putting Queensland Kids First Plan, the Australian Child and Youth Wellbeing Atlas and QFCC’s Growing Up in Queensland – helps bring alignment of purpose to Queensland child, youth and family eco-systems
- TQKP-convened collaboratives, networks, and working groups, including those for Places, Country Queensland, Strategic Framing, Integrated Service Systems, and Brains, have fostered trust, collaboration, and mutual learning among diverse leaders, researchers, and practitioners. This is crucial to advancing relational work for systemic change.
- TQKP continues to engage its Management Board and Leadership Table, working closely with the Queensland Kids Funders Alliance, other interested trusts and foundations, and a growing community of leaders and practitioners. This work is helping to strengthen ties across sectors, systems, and disciplines.
- TQKP has secured 12 new Charter signatories and partnership agreements, with organisations including Kindred’s SEEN Program, Darling Downs West Moreton PHN, Brisbane South PHN, Logan Together, the Queensland Mental Health Commission, the Queensland Brain Institute, James Cook University, Griffith University, TAFE Queensland, Kindred, FrameWorks Institute, and Central Queensland University. These partnerships are critical to expanding collective impact and deepening collaboration across the sector.
During 2022-23 our key learnings included:
- The benefit of engaging partners and collaborators about their hopes for Queensland’s eco-system for children, young people and their families, and how we can be of service in realising those aspirations. These insights can help move beyond feeling stuck in the status quo and overwhelmed by the complexity of current challenges.
- The worth in developing a ‘shared value proposition paper’ when initiating a new group to capture discussions, test concepts and develop a consensus to ground prioritisation.
- The value of both ‘quick wins’ and ‘long-games’, as well as leveraging what is already happening, including major reform priorities of state and federal governments and key partners and collaborators, to advance systems-level work.
- The frequently expressed frustrations with investment and commissioning processes, the aspirations for reform and the imperative to increase levels of public and philanthropic investment.
- The journey of developing and practising ‘systems’ and learning’ mindsets, capabilities and protocols in our partnerships and collaborations.
- The value of convening, brokering and facilitating as increasing numbers of potential partners and collaborators reach out to engage us about their and/or our priorities.
- How establishing and nurturing trust is critical to efficient and effective co-design, co-development and supported implementation. Having partner or collaborator hosted role/s to lead portfolio Initiatives has been instrumental.
Looking for more?
Search the resource library for reports, submission, articles, videos, webinars and more to inspire you and build your knowledge and confidence to create change!
More Initiatives
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You should know...

Explainer video: "What surrounds us shapes us"
This short explainer video introduces the Resilience Scale and ARACY’s The Nest framework as models to help understand how experiences and environments shape children’s health and development.

Partnerships charter
Our Charter clearly sets out the partnership’s shared goals, values and ways of working to improve systems for Queensland’s children. We invite you to review the Charter and join us if you support our shared vision for Queensland kids.

Report: Queensland Place-Based Rivermap
The Queensland Place-Based Rivermap proposes systemic actions to support our many place-based initiatives. Let’s work together to create local conditions that are good for families and kids.