What We Do
What We’re Working On
Weaving systems together for kids
Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership is continually building partnerships that ‘weave systems together’, including across health, early learning, education, family support, mental health, disability, child protection, youth, housing and justice.
Use the links below to find out more about some of our current work priorities.
Thriving Queensland Kids Brain Builders Initiative
Using neuroscience to inform our policies and programs to help build healthy brains and bodies.
Thriving Kids Framing Initiative
Using framing evidence to get our messaging right for our kids, parents and workforces.
Thriving Kids Data Roadmap
Collating, sharing and using the information we have to make better decisions for children.
Thriving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Initiative
Walking alongside and learning from our First Nations communities and leaders.
Thriving Country Queensland Kids Collaborative
Bringing together regional, rural and remote systems & knowledge to make sure country kids aren’t missing out.
Thriving Places, Thriving Kids Network
Uniting and supporting the thriving place-based work happening across Queensland.
Thriving Queensland Kids Early Childhood Development Better Systems Roadmap
Aligning our early years systems to give every child across Queensland a great start.
Thriving Kids Integrated Service Systems Collaborative
Weaving together our systems so we can better deliver services to support families and children.
Childhood Builders: Suite of developmental frames and tools
Making sure everyone who works with children has access to proven tools & frameworks.
Investment Reform for Thriving Kids
Putting children at the centre of all our funding decisions.
Looking for more?
Search the resource library for reports, submission, articles, videos, webinars and more to inspire you and build your knowledge and confidence to create change!
What else we do
Too many Queensland children are still missing out because their families and communities are not being supported according to their needs.
Our Approach
Thriving Queensland Kids is connecting people and organisations to work together for children.
Systems Focus
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Year In Review
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You should know...

Explainer video: "What surrounds us shapes us"
This short explainer video introduces the Resilience Scale and ARACY’s The Nest framework as models to help understand how experiences and environments shape children’s health and development.

Partnerships charter
Our Charter clearly sets out the partnership’s shared goals, values and ways of working to improve systems for Queensland’s children. We invite you to review the Charter and join us if you support our shared vision for Queensland kids.

Report: Queensland Place-Based Rivermap
The Queensland Place-Based Rivermap proposes systemic actions to support our many place-based initiatives. Let’s work together to create local conditions that are good for families and kids.