
Thriving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Initiative


Be a partner and ally to First Nations leaders, organisations and communities in their work to transform systems.


Led by the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Protection Peak (QATSICPP) with support from Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership, in collaboration with other First Nations organisations, leaders and communities. 

Children are sacred and central

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children have been nurtured, loved and cared for by their families and communities for millennia.

Children are seen as sacred and central to the life of the community. They are supported at each developmental stage and cared for lovingly by mothers, fathers, grandparents and extended family within intricate kinship systems of connection and support. Children’s positive emotional and social wellbeing is maintained by ongoing connections to Country, kin, culture spirit and ancestors.

The impact of invasion, colonisation and racism has been felt through a loss of traditional practices and has interrupted the handing down of parenting models through the generations. This cumulative intergenerational trauma and fractured connections contributes to over-representation in the child protection system and limits the development and life opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

Healing intergenerational trauma and reclaiming, valuing and applying the ancient wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child rearing can enable children to thrive.

What's already underway

The initiative is on track to develop a Thriving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children Strategy to:

  • Bring people, organisations and sectors together to drive systems change
  • Collate ideas and identify barriers and solutions
  • Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders and catalysts in engaging and leading change
  • Facilitate collaborative action, innovation and development at a systems level.

So far this work has included three key steps:

Building coalitions of support to collectively work towards systems change.

Convening knowledge circles in communities across Queensland.

How you can get involved

We invite First Nations organisations, leaders, and allies to join us in this work.
To find out more and talk about ways to get involved, contact

Keen to jump in and learn more? 

Related links & documents


Thriving bubs, Thriving families, Thriving communities - Understanding the levers of change report (QATSICPP 2024)

This discussion paper provides an overview of the early years landscape in Australia and Queensland, with a focus on the policy and systems issues acting to either enable of constrain improved early childhood outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. It will be used by QATSICPP to inform and guide community consultations and in the development of the Thriving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children Strategy.

TATSIC Understanding the levers of change Feb 24.pdf
TATSIC Understanding the levers of change Feb 24.pdf