CategoryNational or InternationalDocument FocusPublished byDescription Weblink Currency Type
Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderNational Cultural Respect Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health 2016-2026WorkforceCOAG - Health Council A fundamental step towards improving health outcomes is to address the many barriers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience in accessing and receiving health care. One of these barriers is that the mainstream health system does not necessarily align with, and is not responsive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and cultures.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderNational National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023InvestmentCommonwealth - Department of Health The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023 was developed to provide an overarching framework which builds links with other major Commonwealth health activities and identifies areas of focus to guide future investment and effort in relation to improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderNational Implementation Plan for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023Strategy & FrameworksCommonwealth - Department of Health The Implementation Plan outlines the actions to be taken by the Australian Government, the Aboriginal community controlled health sector, and other key stakeholders to give effect to the vision, principles, priorities and strategies of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderNational National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017-2023Reporting & DataCommonwealth Department of the Prime Minister and CabinetThis Framework provides a dedicated focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing and mental health. It sets out a comprehensive and culturally appropriate stepped care model that is equally applicable to both Indigenous specific and mainstream health services. It will help guide and support Indigenous mental health policy and practice over the next five years and be an important resource for policy makers, advocates, service providers, clients, consumers and researchers.

Designed to complement the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan and contribute to the vision of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2012-2023. It therefore forms an essential component of the national response to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderNational TURNING THE TIDE: Designing a new plan to address the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out of home care : Consultation Guide Reporting & DataSNAICC – the national voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander childrenSNAICC is undertaking consultations to inform the development of the successor plan for the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children.
A consultation guide details the process, thinking and background that informs the co-design model
Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderNational Framework to inform the development of a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Early Childhood StrategyPrevention & Early InterventionSNAICC – the national voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander childrenSNAICC - The framework encompasses current evidence across all aspects of young children’s lives, including early learning, health, disability, wellbeing, care, and development. It identifies that improving outcomes requires a coordinated, whole of governments, and whole of community response to children’s needs. This response must span fields including maternal and child health, housing, early education and care, disability, family, and parenting supports, ensuring child and family safety, and promoting cultural identity development. It must also seek to align cross portfolio investments to address early development holistically.
Alcohol and Other Drugs National National Drug Strategy 2017–2026Prevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health A ten-year framework that aims to reduce and prevent the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
Alcohol and Other Drugs National National Alcohol Strategy 2019–2028Prevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health A national framework to prevent and minimise alcohol-related harms among individuals, families and communities.
Alcohol and Other Drugs National National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Strategic Action Plan 2018-2028Prevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health The Plan recognises that with early and accurate diagnosis and early, individualised interventions for children and adults who have FASD along with appropriate support for parents and carers, the quality of life outcomes for individuals with FASD and their families can be substantially improved.
Health and WellbeingNational AIHW - Australian Children 2020 – IntroductionReporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and Welfarenational reporting
Health and WellbeingNational AIHW - Australian Children 2020 – Children with mental illness Reporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareChildren with mental illness updated 2022
Health and WellbeingNational AIHW - Australian Children 2020 – Children with disability Reporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareChildren with disability
Health and WellbeingNational AIHW - Australian Children 2020 – Social and emotional wellbeingReporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareSocial and emotional wellbeing includes SEWB instruments (these instruments are not being used to collect nationally representative population-level data)
­ South Australian Wellbeing and Engagement collection
­ ACER SEW Survey
­ Rumble’s Quest
­ Behind the News (BtN) 2022
Health and WellbeingNational AIHW - Australian Children 2020 – Mental health servicesReporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareMental health services are health and welfare support services primarily focused on providing care to people with mental health issues. Services are delivered by a range of providers, such as state and territory governments, the Australian Government and the private sector. Prevalance data can be accessed.
Health and WellbeingNational AIHW - Australian Children 2020 – Mental health services in Australia (MHSA)Reporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareMental health services in Australia (MHSA) provides a picture of the national response of the health and welfare service system to the mental health care needs of Australians. MHSA is updated progressively throughout each year as data becomes available.

Mental health services in Australia has been published as a web report since 2011. A companion hardcopy publication Mental health services - In brief is produced annually. This report provides an overview of key statistics and related information found in the web pages.
Child ProtectionNational National Strategy for Child SafetyPrevention & Early InterventionDepartment of the Prime Minister and Cabinet – National Office for Child SafetyThe National Office for Child Safety (the National Office) is leading the development of the National Strategy to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, which was a recommendation from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Child ProtectionNational National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021-2031 Safe and Supported Federal and state governmentCommonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS)The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009-2020 (the National Framework), endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments in April 2009, is an ambitious, long-term approach to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of Australia’s children and aims to deliver a substantial and sustained reduction in levels of child abuse and neglect over time. Updated the National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children Safe and Supported 2021-2031 Frameworks
Child ProtectionNational National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children Safe and Supported 2021-2031 Action plan Prevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS)The first Action Plan (2023-2026) Represents a committment from all Australian governments to build a stronger future for children through close collaboration between the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments, and the non-government sector, through the Coalition of Organisations Committed to the safety and wellbeing of Australia’s children. This approach reflects the National Framework’s key message that ‘protecting children is everyone’s business’. Frameworks
Child ProtectionNational National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children Safe and Supported 2023-2026 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander first action planPrevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS)This plan will focus on achieving safety and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. It was developed in partnership with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership group. Frameworks
Child ProtectionNational Socio-legal study of mandatory services in AustraliaReporting & DataCommonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS)This study aims to explore trends in the reporting of child abuse and neglect by different reporter groups in every Australian state and territory, in the context of their relevant jurisdictional legislation.
Introductory Material
Volume 1: Report for Australian Government Department of Social Services
Volume 2: Report for Australian Capital Territory Community Services Directorate (Children, Youth and Families)
Volume 3: Report for New South Wales Department of Family and Community Services
Volume 4: Report for Northern Territory Department of Children and Families
Volume 5: Report for Queensland Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Volume 6: Report for South Australia Department of Education and Child Development
Volume 7: Report for Tasmania Department of Health and Human Services
Volume 8: Report for Victoria Department of Human Services
Volume 9: Report for Western Australia Department for Child Protection and Family
Child and FamilyInternational Global Strategy for Women's, Children's and Adolescent's Health 2016-2030 International developmentWorld Health OrganisationThe Global Strategy (2016-2030) is a roadmap to achieve right to the highest attainable standard of health for all women, children and adolescents –to transform the future and ensure every newborn, mother and child not only survives, but thrives. The new Strategy - updated through a process of collaboration with stakeholders led by WHO - builds on the success of the 2010 Strategy and its Every Woman Every Child movement as a platform to accelerate the health-related Millennium Development Goals and puts women, children and adolescents at the heart of the new UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Child and FamilyNational The National Framework for Universal Child and Family Health ServicesService ProvisionAustralian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC) ‘articulates a vision, objectives and principles for universal child and family health services for all Australian children aged zero to eight years and their families’  (Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council 2011, p.1). Updated 2023
Child and FamilyNational National Framework for Health Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Families IndigenousAustralian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC)‘Articulates a vision and principles for the delivery of child and family health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families across Australia’ (Department of Health 2016, p. 1).
Child and FamilyNational National Action Plan for the Health of Children and Young People: 2020-2030Federal and state governmentCommonwealth - Department of Health (the Action Plan) builds on Healthy, Safe and Thriving: National Strategic Framework for Child and Youth Health (2015) and outlines Australia’s national approach to improving health outcomes for all children and young people, particularly those at greatest risk of poor health.
Digital HealthNational Australia's National Digital Health StrategyPrevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health Australia's National Digital Health Strategy - Safe, Seamless and Secure: evolving health and care to meet the needs of modern Australia. Digital information is the bedrock of high quality healthcare. The benefits for patients are significant and compelling: hospital admissions avoided, fewer adverse drug events, reduced duplication of tests, better coordination of care for people with chronic and complex conditions, and better informed treatment decisions. Digital health can help save and improve lives.
Digital HealthNational National Children’s Digital Health CollaborativeInvestmentCommonwealth - Department of Health In one of the first initiatives of Australia’s National Digital Health Strategy – Safe, Seamless, and Secure, the Australian Digital Health Agency has partnered with eHealth NSW and the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network to establish the landmark National Children’s Digital Health Collaborative.
This innovative program was set up in April 2017, bringing together Australia’s leading experts in children’s health to identify a number of strategic digital health projects for funding by the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA). This transformative, national partnership aims to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australian children and young people.
Digital HealthNational Australia’s Digital Health AgencyWorkforceAustralian Digital Health AgencyThe Agency is responsible for national digital health services and systems, with a focus on engagement, innovation and clinical quality and safety. Our focus is on putting data and technology safely to work for patients, consumers and the healthcare professionals who look after them.
Established as a statutory authority in the form of a corporate Commonwealth entity, the Agency reports to State and Territory Health Ministers through the COAG Health Council.
Digital HealthNational National Digital Health Workforce and Education Roadmap

WorkforceAustralian Digital Health AgencyThe National Digital Health Workforce and Education Roadmap sets a pathway for building digital health capability and leadership to deliver contemporary care. The National Digital Health Workforce and Education Roadmap sets a pathway for building digital health capability and leadership to deliver contemporary care.

The next step is the development of both general and job specific resources and curricula required to support workforce capability development. 2020
Digital HealthNational National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability FrameworkWorkforceAustralian Digital Health AgencyThe National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework recognises the unique digital health capabilities of nurses and midwives now and into the future. It outlines the core skills, knowledge and behaviours required for professional practice across five domains:

• Digital Professionalism: Professional standards are maintained in the digital environment
• Leadership and Advocacy: Digital health leadership and advocacy supported by clear policy
• Data and Information Quality: Data quality must be present
• Information-enabled Care: Care must be supported by rigorous data analysis and critical appraisal
• Technology: Technology needs to be understood and used appropriately.

These domains sit within the context of nurses and midwives’ roles, workplace settings and the professional standards that apply to their practice.
Each domain has three sub-domains containing capability statements for users to assess their capability level as either formative, intermediate or proficient.
The framework is intended to enable and inform nurses and midwives in contemporary practice. It’s a guide for individuals, organisations and educators to help support professional development and planning.
Early YearsNational The First Thousand Days: An evidence paper – summaryFirst 1000 days Centre for Community Child Health, Murdoch Children's Research InstituteOne of the key deliverables of the Partnership’s first project — Strong Foundations: Getting it Right in the First 1000 Days — is the compilation of The First Thousand Days: An Evidence Paper1. The aim of the Evidence Paper is to provide a comprehensive summary of the evidence for the significance of the first 1000 days. statements
Early YearsNational The first thousand days: A case for investment Strong Foundations collaborationInvestmentPricewaterhouseCoopersBringing evidence and economics together to solve problems faced by young Australians This paper, and the work of the Strong Foundations: Getting it Right in the First Thousand Days partnership in general, is designed to bring a new level of rigour to policy setting and
investments in Australia’s children and young people, most particularly, by focusing not just on effectiveness for the child, but value for the community as a whole.
Early YearsNational Maternal Health and First 2000 DaysPrevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health The Australian Government is investing in research to improve the opportunity for health intervention in the time between a woman's pregnancy and her child's fifth birthday. Frameworks
Early YearsNational A national interdisciplinary educational framework for professionals working with children in the early yearsReporting & DataFlinders UniversityA national interdisciplinary learning and teaching framework has been developed to inform curriculum for the education of professionals across diverse disciplines who will work with children from birth to five years of age (the early years) and their families through:
A statement of shared outcomes that recognises various disciplinary foci.
An interdisciplinary map highlighing training and professional requirements.
A statement of universal essential elements (knowledge, skills and attributes). actioned Frameworks
Early YearsNational National Interdisciplinary Education FrameworkInterdisciplinary EducationFlinders UniversityThe first five years of a child’s life are irrefutably important, establishing life-long health, social and economic outcomes. The early childhood workforce is charged with delivering early childhood development services in a framework of quality and national consistency for the safety of all Australian children and their families. This requires development of a national framework for learning and teaching
that incorporates common outcomes for children, an interdisciplinary map, and universal essential elements.

The National Interdisciplinary Education Framework for Professionals Working in the Early Years is designed to be used to inform education curriculum for preparing early years professionals across disciplines.
Federal RelationsNational Review of the former COAG Councils and Ministerial ForumsReporting & DataCommonwealth – Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet On 26 June 2020, National Cabinet agreed that former Director-General of the Western Australian Department of Premier and Cabinet and former Commonwealth Cabinet Secretary Mr Peter Conran AM led a review of the former COAG Councils and Ministerial Forums with a view to rationalise and reset their work. National Cabinet also agreed to Terms of Reference for the Review which set out avenues for consultation with Commonwealth and state and territory ministers and officials. The Terms of Reference note that additional bodies may be identified for consultation through the course of the Review. National Cabinet agreed that Review will make recommendations on a streamlined structure, scope and reporting arrangements and on focused regulatory and policy work programs.
Federal RelationsNational Commonwealth-State relations - federal relations architectureFederal and state governmentCommonwealth – Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet On 23 October 2020 National Cabinet accepted the Review's recommendations that include reducing the number of ministerial forums and ensuring that those that remain are more agile and responsive, with direct responsibility for decision-making resting with Ministers. Consistent with the direction set by National Cabinet, ministers’ meetings will not report to National Cabinet (or the National Federation Reform Council) unless tasked.
This represents a significant reform to Commonwealth-State relations and will significantly reduce bureaucracy and red tape. National Cabinet also noted that the range of significant reforms agreed have come about directly through the collaboration of National Cabinet, as the country comes together to continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A copy of the final report and a diagram depicting the new federal relations architecture
HealthInternational AUSTRALIA–WHO: Country Cooperation Strategy 2018–2022International developmentCommonwealth - Department of Health The Australian Government Department of Health, in collaboration with government agencies responsible for the health portfolio, and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for the Western Pacific present this Australia–WHO Country Cooperation Strategy 2018–2022.
This is the first country cooperation strategy (CCS) to focus on a high-income country in the Western Pacific Region. Better leveraging Australia’s vast experience and technical expertise in health can help deliver on WHO’s mandate and mission in the_x000D_Region. At the same time, working closely together on issues of mutual importance_x000D_will help advance Australia’s domestic and regional health interests. Frameworks
HealthNational Australia's Long Term National Health PlanPrevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health The Long Term National Health Plan includes:
The 2030 mental health vision, including a new strategy specifically for children under 12 years
The 10-year Primary Health Care Plan
Continued improvement of private health insurance
The 10-year National Preventive Health Strategy
The 10-year Medical Research Future Fund investment plan. -current Frameworks
HealthNational National Action Plan for the Health of Children and Young People: 2020-2030WorkforceCommonwealth - Department of Health Ensure that Australian children and young people, from all backgrounds and all walks of life, have the same opportunities to fulfil their potential, and are healthy, safe and thriving. Priority Area 3: Tackling mental health and risky behaviours (p.19 - 22)
Priority Area 5: Strengthening the workforce (p.26) current Frameworks
HealthNational The Mental health of children and adolescentsReporting & DataCommonwealth - Department of Health Report on the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing.
HealthNational Australia's National Digital Health StrategyService ProvisionCommonwealth - Department of Health Australia's National Digital Health Strategy - Safe, Seamless and Secure: evolving health and care to meet the needs of modern Australia. Digital information is the bedrock of high quality healthcare. The benefits for patients are significant and compelling: hospital admissions avoided, fewer adverse drug events, reduced duplication of tests, better coordination of care for people with chronic and complex conditions, and better informed treatment decisions. Digital health can help save and improve lives.
HealthNational National Children’s Digital Health CollaborativeInvestmentCommonwealth - Department of Health In one of the first initiatives of Australia’s National Digital Health Strategy – Safe, Seamless, and Secure, the Australian Digital Health Agency has partnered with eHealth NSW and the Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network to establish the landmark National Children’s Digital Health Collaborative.This innovative program was set up in April 2017, bringing together Australia’s leading experts in children’s health to identify a number of strategic digital health projects for funding by the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA). This transformative, national partnership aims to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australian children and young people
HealthNational Australian Health Performance FrameworkReporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareThe Australian Health Performance Framework will provide a single, enduring and flexible vehicle to support system-wide reporting on Australia's health and health care performance, to support the assessment and evaluation of value and sustainability and to inform the identification of priorities for improvement and development.
HealthNational National Health Performance FrameworkReporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareTo help navigate the complexities of the health system a conceptual framework was developed as an integral part of the AHPF, focusing on four key areas (domains):

the determinants of health – the behaviours and circumstances of a person
the health system – effectiveness, safety, appropriateness, continuity, accessibility, efficiency and sustainability of health care
the health status of a person – their health conditions, functioning ability and general wellbeing
the broader area of societal impacts (contextual information) – the changing demographics of the Australian population, the advancements in research, economic circumstances impacting workforce and infrastructure, and the expansion and improvements in the collection of data.
HealthNational National Health Performance Framework (data) Reporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareThe National Health Performance Framework consists of three domains; health status, determinants of health and health system performance. The inclusion of the three domains reflects the fact that health status are influenced by the impacts of health determinants and health system performance. In developing the framework, equity is considered to be integral to each of the three tiers.
The framework can be used to support benchmarking for health system improvement and facilitate use of data at the health service unit level for benchmarking purposes.
The framework was developed by the National Health Performance Committee (NHPC) which was established in 1999 by the Australian Health Ministers' Conference.
This framework was reviewed by the NHPC in 2007-08. A revised framework was agreed by the National Health Information Standards and Statistics Committee (NHISSC) and noted by the Health Ministers in September 2009.
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I think this description is out of date. Here's another one I found at the link: The Australian Health Performance Framework [868KB PDF] (NHIPPC, 2017) provides a navigation tool to support reporting on Australia’s health and health care performance. It incorporates and builds upon both Australian and international experiences of health performance and outcomes over recent years. It supersedes the National Health Performance Framework (NHPF) and the Performance and Accountability Framework (PAF). Frameworks
HealthNational National AgreementsInvestmentAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareNational Agreements define the objectives, outcomes, outputs and performance indicators, and clarify the roles and responsibilities that guide the Commonwealth and the States in the delivery of services in key sectors. National Agreements typically contain significant policy content and act as sources of ongoing funding. They also have relatively complex and bespoke terms and conditions. There are currently five National Agreements. & legislation
HealthNational National Healthcare AgreementFederal and state governmentAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareThe National Healthcare Agreement affirms the agreement of all governments that Australia's health system should:
be shaped around the health needs of individual patients, their families and communities;
focus on the prevention of disease and injury and the maintenance of health, not simply the treatment of illness;
support an integrated approach to the promotion of healthy lifestyles, prevention of illness and injury, and diagnosis and treatment of illness across the continuum of care; and
provide all Australians with timely access to quality health services based on their needs, not ability to pay, regardless of where they live in the country.

The objective of the Agreement is: 'Through this Agreement, the Parties commit to improve health outcomes for all Australians and ensure the sustainability of the Australian health system' (clause 12). & legislation
HealthNational National Health Reform AgreementFederal and state governmentCommonwealth - Department of Health In August 2011 Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to the National Health Reform Agreement, which sets out the shared intention of the Commonwealth and state and territory (state) governments to work in partnership to improve health outcomes for all Australians and ensure the sustainability of the Australian health system.

The National Health Reform Agreement Long Term Reforms Roadmap was endorsed by all Australian Health Ministers at the Health Ministers’ Meeting on 17 September 2021. & legislation
HealthNational National Agreement for Skills and Workforce DevelopmentWorkforceCommonwealth – Department of Employment and Workforce RelationsNational Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development & legislation
HealthNational National Disability Agreement reviewed by the Productivity Commission Reporting & DataCommonwealth – Productivity CommissionThe focus of this study was the National Disability Agreement (established in 2009 and revised in 2012), which relates to the provision of disability services.

The Commission reviewed the Agreement, including by examining progress against the performance framework in the Agreement and the extent to which it has supported improved outcomes for people with disability, their families, and carers. & legislation
HealthNational National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness
InvestmentCommonwealth – Department of Social ServicesThe National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness (NASHH) replaces the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement from 1 July 2024. It is an agreement between the Australian and state and territory governments under the Federal Financial Relations Act 2009. Policies & legislation
HealthNational National Agreement on Closing the Gap IndigenousCommonwealth – Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet National Agreement on Closing the Gap Policies & legislation
HealthNational National Health Reform Agreement Federal and state governmentCommonwealth - Department of Health The new 2020–25 National Health Reform Agreement (NHRA) on 29 May 2020, following sign-on by all Australian governments. The NHRA is an agreement between the Australian Government and all state and territory governments.
It commits to improving health outcomes for Australians, by providing better coordinated and joined up care in the community, and ensuring the future sustainability of Australia’s health system. It is the key mechanism for the transparency, governance and financing of Australia’s public hospital system. Policies & legislation
Health | COVID-19National Coronavirus (COVID-19): National Health Plan resourcesHealth ProfessionalsCommonwealth - Department of Health A collection of resources for the general public, health professionals and industry outlining a range of funding measures the Australian Government is taking to combat coronavirus (COVID-19).
HousingNational The National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness (NASHH)InvestmentCommonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS)The National Agreement on Social Housing and Homelessness (NASHH) replaces the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement from 1 July 2024. It is an agreement between the Australian and state and territory governments under the Federal Financial Relations Act 2009. Policies & legislation
MaternityNational National Strategic Approach to Maternity ServicesService ProvisionCommonwealth - Department of Health Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council meeting on 22 September 2017 it was agreed to start a new process to develop a National Strategic Approach to Maternity Services (NSAMS).
MaternityNational The Australian National Breastfeeding Strategy: 2019 and BeyondService ProvisionCommonwealth - Department of Health The Australian National Breastfeeding Strategy: 2019 and Beyond is an enduring strategy which seeks to achieve an enabling environment for breastfeeding through policies, baby-friendly health settings, health professional education and training, and universal and targeted breastfeeding education and support services. currentFrameworks
MaternityNational Birthing on CountryIndigenousCommonwealth - Department of Health Guiding Principles for Developing a Birthing on Country Service Model and Evaluation Framework Phase 1 provides guidance on issues and considerations for the development of a Birthing on Country Service. Frameworks
MaternityNational The characteristics of cultural competent maternity care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander womenIndigenousNational Indigenous Australians AgencyAHMAC endorsed the Characteristics of Culturally Competent Maternity Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women report.
MaternityNational Maternal Health and First 2000 DaysInvestmentCommonwealth - Department of Health The Australian Government is investing in research to improve the opportunity for health intervention in the time between a woman's pregnancy and her child's fifth birthday.
Medicare NationalAutism—Helping Children with Autism programPrevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health Medicare items supporting early diagnosis and Policies & legislation
Medicare NationalDisability—Better Start for Children with Disability initiativePrevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health Medicare items supporting early diagnosis and treatment. still currentPolicies & legislation
Medicare NationalChildren in Out of Home CareService ProvisionCommonwealth - Department of Health Information about MBS items available for the primary health care needs of children and young people in out-of-home care. National clinical assessment framework for children and young people in out of home care. & legislation
Medicare NationalHealthy Kids Checks Service ProvisionRoyal Australian College of General PractitionersInformation on eligibility for health assessments and related allied health services (Healthy Kids Checks) & legislation
Medicare NationalMultidisciplinary case conferencesHealth ProfessionalsRoyal Australian College of General PractitionersInformation on how health professionals may meet to discuss, plan, coordinate or make arrangements on behalf of a patient. Policies & legislation
Medicare NationalMedicare and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peopleIndigenousCommonwealth - Department of Health Information on health assessments and follow-up allied health services. & legislation
Medicare NationalPregnancy support counsellingService ProvisionCommonwealth - Department of Health Information on non-directive pregnancy support counselling services provided under Medicare to a person who is currently pregnant or has been pregnant in the preceding 12 months.
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currentPolicies & legislation
Medicare NationalMidwives and nurse practitioners - Change to MBS Item 82120 - Midwifery Intrapartum CareHealth ProfessionalsCommonwealth - Department of Health Information on the expanded role of eligible midwives and nurse practitioners in the delivery of Australian health services. & legislation
Medicare NationalChronic Disease Management (formerly Enhanced Primary Care or EPC)—GP servicesService ProvisionEPA HealthInformation on the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) items that are available under Medicare to patients with a chronic medical condition. & legislation
Medicare NationalChronic Disease Management—allied health individual servicesService ProvisionCommonwealth - Department of Health Information on the individual allied health services available to patients with a chronic condition and/or complex care needs, on referral from a GP. & legislation
Medicare NationalMultidisciplinary case conferencesHealth ProfessionalsRoyal Australian College of General PractitionersInformation on how health professionals may meet to discuss, plan, coordinate or make arrangements on behalf of a patient. Policies & legislation
Mental Health Declarations InternationalWharerātā DeclarationIndigenous International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) The International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) is a unique international collaborative that focuses on improving mental health and addictions services. IIMHL is a collaboration of eight countries: Australia, England, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, USA and Sweden. The Wharerātā Group of Indigenous mental health leaders from Canada, the United States, Australia, Samoa and New Zealand developed the Wharerātā Declaration in 2010. It comprises five themes on the importance of Indigenous leadership in addressing the common mental health challenges faced by Indigenous peoples around the world. Member countries of the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership endorsed the Wharerātā Declaration in 2010 and now promote it as a key part of their work. & legislation
Mental Health Declarations InternationalThe Wharerata Declaration – the development of Indigenous leaders in mental health Indigenous International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) Paper from the The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, Volume 6 Issue 1 & legislation
Mental Health Declarations NationalGayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) DeclarationIndigenousNational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership in Mental Health (NATSILMH)This endorsement underpinned the formation of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership in
Mental Health (NATSILMH) in 2013–2014. Guided by the Wharerātā Declaration, NATSILMH is an independent entity
that is supported by the four Australian mental health commissions to provide national leadership in Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander mental health, social and emotional wellbeing, and suicide prevention.
In December 2014, NATSILMH undertook to develop a companion declaration to the Wharerātā Declaration for use by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. After the release of a discussion paper and a consultation process, the Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Declaration was launched on the 27th of August 2015. Policies & legislation
Mental Health Declarations National National Mental Health Recovery Framework - Policy and TheoryReporting & DataCommonwealth - Department of Health This background paper is a summary of the research and policy that underpins Australia’s  national framework for recovery-oriented mental health services. still current Frameworks
Mental Health Declarations National National Mental Health Recovery Framework - Guide - Practitioners and ProvidersHealth ProfessionalsCommonwealth - Department of Health This document is a guide for mental health practitioners and services to Australia’s  national framework for recovery-oriented mental health services. still current Frameworks
Mental Health Declarations National A national approach to mental health – from crisis to communty (senate report)Reporting & DataCommonwealth – Parliament of Australiainquiry by the Select Committee on Mental Health has been a unique opportunity to meet with people in the mental health sector, be they consumers, carers, health professionals or administrators.
Mental HealthNational National Mental Health Workforce Strategy TaskforceWorkforceCommonwealth - Department of Health Informed the development of the National Mental Health Workforce Strategy 2020
Mental HealthNational The National Mental Health Workforce Strategy 2022–2032WorkforceCommonwealth - Department of Health Australian Government, we are proud to present the 10-year National Mental Health Workforce Strategy 2022–2032. its development, infomred by the National Mental Health Workforce Strategy Taskforce This Strategy views mental health through a social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) lens and conceptualises the mental health workforce accordingly, recognising the connection between people’s physical, psychological, social, emotional and cultural wellbeing.
Mental HealthNational National Mental Health Performance SubcommitteeWorkforceCommonwealth - Department of Health The National Mental Health Performance Subcommittee (NMHPSC) was established by MHISSC to oversee the development and implementation of a national performance measurement framework for mental health services, to support benchmarking for mental health service improvement, and provide national information on mental health system performance.
Mental HealthNational National Mental Health Data Set SubcommitteeReporting & DataCommonwealth - Department of Health The taskforce considered the quality, supply, distribution and structure of the mental health workforce. It also identified practical approaches that could be implemented by Australian governments to build the workforce required to meet the demands of the mental health system.
Mental HealthNational National Natural Disaster Mental Health FrameworkDisastersCommonwealth – National Mental Health CommissionThe Framework guides those working within governments, as well as first response agencies and the community. The focus is two-fold:

Providing mental health services during and following disasters
Rebuilding thriving communities to support good mental health and wellbeing
The Framework was released in June 2023 by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). NEMA are leading the implementation of the Framework.
Mental HealthNational Vision 2030 for Mental Health and Suicide PreventionPrevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth – National Mental Health CommissionVision 2030: Blueprint for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (Vision 2030) is a blueprint for a successful, connected mental health and suicide prevention system to meet the needs of all Australians.
The third pillar of Australia’s Long Term National Health Plan focuses on mental health and preventative health and prioritises the delivery of a number of long term plans and strategies for Mental Health.
Vision 2030 aims to maintain consistency with the Productivity Commission inquiry into Mental Health.
Mental HealthNational Economics of Mental Health – The Case for Investment in Prevention and PromotionInvestmentNational Mental Health CommissionThe Commission is seeking to build on the evidence base of why investing in promotion and prevention initiatives can result in benefits for the individual in terms of their mental health and also economic benefits in the form of improvements in productivity and efficiency.,-thriving-communities/economics-of-mental-health-in-australiacurrent Policies & legislation
Mental HealthNational National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017-2023IndigenousCommonwealth Department of the Prime Minister and CabinetThis Framework provides a dedicated focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing and mental health. It sets out a comprehensive and culturally appropriate stepped care model that is equally applicable to both Indigenous specific and mainstream health services. It will help guide and support Indigenous mental health policy and practice over the next five years and be an important resource for policy makers, advocates, service providers, clients, consumers and researchers.

Designed to complement the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan and contribute to the vision of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2012-2023. It therefore forms an essential component of the national response to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
Mental HealthNational National Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing StrategyPrevention & Early InterventionNational Mental Health CommissionThe National Mental Health Commission was tasked with developing this Strategy as part of the Australian Government’s Long-Term National Health Plan. This is the first time a mental health and wellbeing strategy has been developed with a focus on children from birth through to 12 years of age, as well as the families and communities that nurture them. The Strategy deliberately takes a child’s rights-based approach, drawing on principles from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to ensure all children’s wellbeing needs are considered. current
Mental HealthNational National Natural Disaster Mental Health FrameworkPrevention & Early InterventionNational Mental Health CommissionThe National Mental Health Commission is leading the development of a national Framework to guide a coordinated approach in Australia to psychosocial and mental health issues in the context of natural disasters. The Framework will aim to improve how governments work together to respond to and support people’s mental health before, during and after natural disasters.

The Framework will contain a vision, responsibilities, and outcome indicators to guide those working within the government, in first response agencies and the community. The focus is two-fold:

Providing mental health services during and following disasters
Rebuilding thriving communities to support good mental health and wellbeing.
Mental HealthNational Vision 2030 for Mental Health and Suicide PreventionPrevention & Early InterventionNational Mental Health CommissionPhase 1: Connections - From July – September 2019 the Commission launched the Connections project as a national conversation and consultation about the future of mental health and suicide prevention in Australia.
Phase 2: Blueprint - From September – December 2019 the Commission sought to develop the Vision Blueprint Consultation Report - a draft agenda which outlines the goals and objectives for mental health care and the system or services which may meet these.
Phase 3: Roadmap - In early 2020, the Commission commenced work on the development of phase three of the Vision project, development of an implementation roadmap
Mental HealthNational Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention PlanPrevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health The Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan (Fifth Plan) was endorsed by the COAG Health Council in August 2017. The Fifth Plan represents commitment from all governments to work together to achieve integrated planning and service delivery of mental health and suicide prevention related services. This will require cooperation between the Commonwealth, state and territory governments, public and private sector, community-managed organisations, and consumers and carers to improve the mental health system and outcomes for people with lived experience of mental ill-health.
Mental HealthNational National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan Prevention compassion Care Prevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health The National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan sets out the Australian Government’s commitment to supporting mental health and suicide prevention for all Australians, and responds to the findings of the Productivity Commission Inquiry Report into Mental Health and the National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Final Advice. Frameworks
Mental HealthNational The Joint Regional Planning for Integrated Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Services, National Mental Health StrategyPrevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth - Department of Health “Key content and focus areas .. Planning for commissioning services across the stepped care spectrum and across the lifespan - from infants and children through young adults to older people… Coordinated treatment and supports for people with severe and complex mental illness - including requirements of children and adolescents” (p.7) Frameworks
Mental HealthNational 2023 Report to the NationReporting & DataMental Health AustraliaMental Health Australia’s 2023 Report to the Nation provides a “pulse-check” of the mental health and wellbeing of people in Australia.

Over half of Australians say rising cost of living is having a big impact on their mental health, and one in five have found cost to be a barrier to accessing mental health support over the past year. Particular population groups are feeling these impacts even more.

Compared to 2022, Australians’ overall mental health remains the same, though with some increases in people feeling happier and more connected. There has also been an increase in Australians seeking professional mental health support, including through digital mental health services. & legislation
Mental HealthNational National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017-2023IndigenousCommonwealth Department of the Prime Minister and CabinetThis Framework provides a dedicated focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing and mental health. It sets out a comprehensive and culturally appropriate stepped care model that is equally applicable to both Indigenous specific and mainstream health services. It will help guide and support Indigenous mental health policy and practice over the next five years and be an important resource for policy makers, advocates, service providers, clients, consumers and researchers.

Designed to complement the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan and contribute to the vision of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2012-2023. It therefore forms an essential component of the national response to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. Frameworks
Mental HealthNational Embrace Multicultural Mental Health: Framework for Mental Health in Multicultural Australia: Towards culturally inclusive service deliveryHealth ProfessionalsMental Health Australia Nationally available online resource which allows organisations and individual practitioners to evaluate and enhance their cultural responsiveness. It is mapped against national standards to help organisations meet their existing requirements and provides free access to a wide range of support and resources. current
Mental HealthInternational WHO Preventing suicide: A global imperativeReporting & DataWorld Health OrganisationEvery 40 seconds a person dies by suicide somewhere in the world. Over 800 000 people die by suicide every year. Yet suicides are preventable. “Preventing suicide: a global imperative” is the first WHO report of its kind. It aims to increase awareness of the public health significance of suicide and suicide attempts, to make suicide prevention a higher priority on the global public health agenda, and to encourage and support countries to develop or strengthen comprehensive suicide prevention strategies in a multisectoral public health approach.

The report provides a global knowledge base on suicide and suicide attempts as well as actionable steps for countries based on their current resources and context to move forward in suicide prevention.
Mental HealthNational National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017-2023Prevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth Department of the Prime Minister and CabinetThis Framework provides a dedicated focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing and mental health. It sets out a comprehensive and culturally appropriate stepped care model that is equally applicable to both Indigenous specific and mainstream health services. It will help guide and support Indigenous mental health policy and practice over the next five years and be an important resource for policy makers, advocates, service providers, clients, consumers and researchers.

Designed to complement the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan and contribute to the vision of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2012-2023. It therefore forms an essential component of the national response to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
Mental HealthNational Report on Government Services 2018 Part E, Chapter 13 Mental Health ManagementReporting & DataCommonwealth Productivity CommissionThis chapter reports on the performance of governments managing of mental health and mental illnesses. & legislation
Mental HealthNational Overview of mental health services in AustraliaReporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareMental health services are health and welfare support services primarily focused on providing care to people with mental health issues. Services are delivered by a range of providers, such as state and territory governments, the Australian Government and the private sector.
Mental HealthNational Mental health services in AustraliaReporting & DataAustralian Institute of Health and WelfareMental health services in Australia (MHSA) provides a picture of the national response of the health and welfare service system to the mental health care needs of Australians. MHSA is updated progressively throughout each year as data becomes available.

Mental health services in Australia has been published as a web report since 2011. A companion hardcopy publication Mental health services - In brief is produced annually. This report provides an overview of key statistics and related information found in the web pages.
Mental HealthNational Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and AdolescentsHealth ProfessionalsAustralian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification NetworkThe Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) is a clinician rated instrument comprising 15 simple scales measuring behaviour, impairment, symptoms, social problems and information problems for those under 18 years of age.Information about the HoNOSCA can be obtained from the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Standards and Guidelines
Mental HealthNational Strengths and Difficulties QuestionnaireHealth ProfessionalsAustralian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification NetworkThe Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief questionnaire for 4-17 year olds developed by Goodman et al in the United Kingdom. The SDQ has 25 items divided between 5 scales: emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity/inattention, peer relationship problems and prosocial behaviour. Copies of the SDQ can be accessed from the SDQ developers at the Youth in Mind website.
What is the SDQ? The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief behavioural screening questionnaire about 3-16 year olds. It exists in several versions to meet the needs of researchers, clinicians and educationalists. Standards and Guidelines
Mental HealthNational Basic Measures TrainingHealth ProfessionalsAustralian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification NetworkManuals and accompanying powerpoint slides have been developed for each mental health program stream (Child and Adolescent, Adult, Older Persons) and for the service settings within those streams (with the exception of Child and Adolescent). Separate manuals have also been developed for the clinician rated measures and for the consumer rated measures. Professional competencies
Rural and Remote National National Strategic Framework for Rural and Remote HealthWorkforceCommonwealth - Department of Health The National Strategic Framework for Rural and Remote Health promotes a national approach to policy, planning, design and delivery of health services in rural and remote communities.
Rural and Remote National Stronger Rural Health StrategyWorkforceCommonwealth - Department of Health The Stronger Rural Health Strategy aims to build a sustainable, high quality health workforce that is distributed across the country according to community need particularly in rural and remote communities. To meet the challenge of redistributing the workforce, the Strategy includes a range of incentives, targeted funding and bonding arrangements and will give doctors more opportunities to train and practice in rural and remote Australia. It will also enable a stronger role for nurses and allied health professionals in the delivery of more multidisciplinary, team based models of primary health care.
Rural and Remote National National Strategic Framework for Rural and Remote HealthCommonwealth - Department of Health - National Rural Health CommissionerThe National Rural Health Commissioner (the Commissioner) is an independent, statutory office holder, appointed under Part VA of the Health Insurance Act 1973 (the Act), which was passed by both Houses of Parliament on 21 June 2017 and came into effect by Proclamation of the Governor General on 1 August 2017. & legislation
Rural and Remote National Statement of Expectations for the National Rural Health Commissioner Commonwealth - Department of Health - National Rural Health CommissionerThis Statement outlines the Australian Government’s expectations about the role and responsibilities of the National Rural Health Commissioner (the Commissioner), the Commissioner’s relationship with the Government, issues of transparency and accountability and operational matters. june 2024Policies & legislation
Rural and Remote National Health Insurance Act 1973Commonwealth - Department of Health - National Rural Health CommissionerThe National Rural Health Commissioner is appointed under Part VA of the Health Insurance Act 1973 & legislation
Rural and Remote National About the National Rural Health CommissionerCommonwealth - Department of Health - National Rural Health CommissionerProfessor Ruth Stewart is the National Rural Health Commissioner appointed July 2020 & legislation
Rural and Remote National RFW Position Paper – Supporting Childhood Development in Regional, Rural and Remote AustraliaReporting & DataRoyal Far West (NGO) there are several key obstacles preventing any real improvements to supporting childhood
development in regional, rural and remote Australia:
1. A lack of awareness and understanding among parents, teachers and some medical practitioners of issues
surrounding development and how to best support typical childhood development.
2. A lack of leadership on childhood development by government, which translates into an under-resourced and
fragmented system that does not provide “whole-of-child” support.
3. A lack of access to services for early identification, intervention and treatment, particularly in country areas,
where there are well-documented health workforce shortages. statements
Human RightsNational United Nations human rights reportingReporting & DataCommonwealth – Attorney General's DepartmentAustralia is required to periodically report to and appear before the relevant United Nations human rights treaty bodies in relation to the implementation of the human rights treaties to which it is a party.
Human RightsNational Australia’s Universal Periodic ReviewReporting & DataCommonwealth – Attorney General's DepartmentThe Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a UN Human Rights Council peer-review process, in which the human rights record of each UN Member State is considered every five years. The review is unique because it is led by Member States and covers a broad range of international human rights obligations. The UPR differs from United Nations human rights treaty body reviews that are led by committees of experts and focus on specific treaties. As part of each UPR cycle, Member States submit a national report and appear at the United Nations in Geneva for an interactive dialogue with other Member States.
Human RightsNational Australian Human Rights Commission - the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Australian Human Rights CommissionEvery five years, the Australian Government reports to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child on how children are faring in Australia and what it is doing to protect children’s rights. The UN Committee monitors how countries are meeting their obligations under the CRC and its Optional Protocols.
Human RightsNational Joint NGO Submission to Aust Human Rights Scorecard 3rd Universal Periodic ReviewReporting & DataHuman Rights Law Centre The Human Rights Law Centre uses strategic legal action, policy solutions and advocacy to support people and communities to eliminate inequality and injustice and build a fairer, more compassionate Australia.
The Human Rights Law Centre works in coalition with key partners, including community organisations, law firms and barristers, academics and experts, and international and domestic human rights organisations.
Current impact areas:
Strengthening the legal and institutional protection of human rights
Promoting the human rights of people seeking asylum and refugees
Protecting democratic freedoms
Partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to promote their rights
Ensuring prisons, youth justice centres and police cells comply with human rights
Protecting women’s reproductive health rights
Ensuring Australian companies comply with human rights standards overseas
Promoting human rights through Australian foreign policy and UN engagement
Human RightsNational Australia’s Human Rights Scorecard: Australia’s 2020 United Nations UPR NGO Coalition ReportReporting & DataHuman Rights Law Centre In 2021 Australia had its human rights record assessed at the United Nations Human Rights Council in a process known as the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The UPR provides an opportunity for other nations to identify human rights problems in Australia and make recommendations about possible solutions.

To inform this process, leading Australian human rights experts, non-government organisations and community groups compiled this report, endorsed by over 200 organisations, which provides a comprehensive insight into the state of human rights in Australia in 2020.
Violence, Abuse and NeglectNational Safe and Supported The National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children 2021-2031Prevention & Early InterventionNational Coalition on Child Safety and WellbeingTogether with government, development of this is being led by Families Australia – National Coalition on Child Safety and Wellbeing
Violence, Abuse and NeglectNational The National Office for Child Safety (the National Office)Prevention & Early InterventionCommonwealth Department of the Prime Minister and CabinetThe National Office for Child Safety (the National Office) is leading the development of the National Strategy to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, which was a recommendation from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.