Making the most of the First 2000 Days – A roadmap

Early Years Better Systems Roadmap - Making most of first 2000 days

Making the most of the First 2000 Days – A roadmap for a better Queensland child development system that changes the odds, closes the gaps and improves outcomes for Queensland’s youngest and their families. Endorsed by 20 sector leaders, the roadmap offers 9 priority actions and 7 priority investments to support Queensland children in the […]

Year in Review 2022-23

TQKP Year in Review 2022-23 Cover

An overview of Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership’s work during 2022-23 including highlights, learnings, initiatives and activities.

Insights Into Queensland’s Early Childhood Development Service System (Summary Presentation)

Cover - Insights into Queensland's ECD service systems - A rapid review for TQKP by Accenture.pdf

Commissioned by Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership, Accenture conducted a rapid review of Queensland’s early childhood development service system. The insights from the review have informed the Thriving Queensland Kids Early Childhood Development Better Systems Roadmap initiative. The process involved bringing together insights from a survey and interviews of TQKP stakeholders, alongside quantitative analysis and desktop […]

Thriving Qld Kids Partnership Charter

This cover page of the Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership Charter shows a smiling young boy, approximately 8 years of age, surrounded by a bright pattern in TQKP brand colours with the combined TQKP and ARACY logos.

If you would like to join the Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership on our systems change journey, please fill out and return our Charter to let us know what you’re already doing and what you’d like to contribute. We look forward to hearing from you!