The Experience of Trauma by Queensland children

Prepared as a consultation paper to contribute the development of the Queensland Trauma Strategy. Prepared by: Sophie Morson, Michael Hogan, Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership What is this research about? This paper outlines key insights from well-established and emerging evidence and expertise about trauma in childhood (5-12 years). This includes its incidence and impact, and implications […]
Child and Family Hubs: an integrated means of enhancing equitable wellbeing for Australia’s children and families

This document provides a brief overview of Child and Family Hubs and covers the following topics: Produced by ARACY and Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership.
‘What surrounds us shapes us’: A framework for building children’s resilience to thrive in life

‘What surrounds us shapes us’: A framework for building children’s resilience to thrive in life introduces the Resilience Scale as a model for understanding the impact of environment and experiences on children’s brain health. Using ARACY’s The Nest framework, it provides examples of what children need to thrive. Transcript: When it comes to building resilience, what […]
We are all brain builders: Enabling workforce and organisational capability and system change

A webinar hosted by Paul Ramsay Foundation and presented by Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership on 27 March 2024. The webinar explores how brain building can be applied at a systems, organisational and individual level and featured a panel with: Kids Partnership gratefully acknowledges Paul Ramsay Foundation as a valued philanthropic partner in our efforts to […]
Thriving bubs, Thriving families, Thriving Communities – Understanding the levers of change

INTRODUCTION Ensuring children get the best start to life lays the foundation for improving outcomes across the life course. The early years – from conception to around age five – is a critical window to positively influence the trajectory of a person’s health, wellbeing and prosperity. When children are loved, safe and nurtured, have their […]
Year in Review 2022-23

An overview of Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership’s work during 2022-23 including highlights, learnings, initiatives and activities.
Childhood Builders – Operationalising Resilience Frames and Tools Evidence Review Report

Resilience (broadly defined as the capacity to adapt or recover from the impacts of adverse events) plays a critical role in supporting individuals to thrive and meet their true potential. It features multiple components at the individual, family and community levels, and the capacity of the system itself to adapt to adversity. The Institute for […]
Thriving Kids Brain Builders Initiative Launch
The brain runs everything! To give our kids the best chances to thrive, it’s fundamental that we understand how our brains work and what we can do to create the conditions for children’s brains to grow well from conception and throughout their lives. This short video includes quotes from attendees at the Thriving Queensland Kids […]
Toward a state of brain health, skills and wellbeing: neuro-inspired policy & practice
How could economic, social and other policies and practices be informed by the latest insights from neuroscience? How can we build brains better – from the start of life, and across the life course? How can this contribute to reducing inequity, growing productivity and improving system resilience? For this webinar, we welcomed guest presenter, Harris […]
Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership – Values, Principles & Approach

Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership 1-page outline of our values, operating principles and approach.