ARTD was commissioned by the Paul Ramsay Foundation (PRF) to evaluate Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership (TQKP) between July 2022 and June 2025.

This Report 1 covers July 2022 to May 2024, and answers evaluation questions relating to:

What methods are working best for engaging multi-sector (government, academic, not-for-profit) organisations as partners in TQKP?

a. What approaches are used by TQKP to catalyse the network, and which should be replicated in future endeavours?

b. What approaches are used by TQKP to align the values of various organisations worked well? What should be used in the future?

c. How effective are TQKP’s communication methods at building knowledge and awareness and a pathway to action?

How should TQKP improve the use of data and evidence in the system?

a. What approaches worked (or are working) best for synchronising partners’ measurements of outputs and outcomes?

b. What learnings can be obtained for collective measures that may inform a) future work of TQKP and b) future systems change work?

Additional questions that will be answered in Evaluation report 2: Progressing systems change – October 2025 include:

  • Which activities led to demonstrable improvement in the connectivity and capabilities of network members?
  • Do the agreed-upon measures of outputs and outcomes for TQKP best capture the progress of TQKP?
  • How well is the Innovation and Development program of work for TQKP working to facilitate change within parts of the system?
  • What are the barriers and facilitators for TQKP’s program of work to achieving large scale systems change?

The slide deck from the associated webinar held on 4 November 2024, provides a handy overview of the report findings.