This is the first of three webinars in the series Thriving Kids in Disasters: Words into Practice, held from September – November 2024.

This session is focused on supporting children’s and young people’s concerns, capabilities and actions relating to climate change and disasters.

The webinar is hosted by Anita Egginton from the Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership and funded by The John Villiers Trust. Guest speakers are Canice Curtis from Wesley Mission Queensland and Briony Towers from Leadrrr.

The webinar recording is available the Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership YouTube page.

The purpose of TQKP’s Thriving Kids in Disasters (TKiD) project is to enhance prevention, preparedness, response and recovery strategies to support child wellbeing and resilience in disasters. Visit our TKiD page to find out more about the project, including links to the full report and to the Resource Library.