The Operationalising Resilience: Taking Evidence Into Practice webinar was held on Wednesday 8 May 2024 as a partnership between Institute for Social Science Research, UQ and Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership.
In response to the research question ‘How has resilience science been applied as part of a bio-psycho-socioecological framework in the context of improving child, youth, family and community wellbeing?’, the presentation provides an overview of:
- Meta-review key findings
- Systematic reviews
- Environmental scan
- Knowledge gaps from the evidence review
- Conceptualisation for a resilient community ecosystem
- Priorities and recommendations for operationalisation of a bio-psycho-socioecological resilience framework in Queensland
For more detail about Operationalising Resilience, download the Childhood Builders – Operationalising Resilience Frames and Tools Evidence Review Report (25/10/23).